Window Tint Laws by State: 2023 Legal Window Tint Percentages

Find car window tint laws by state to know which automotive window tint percentage is legal in your state.

What is Tint Laws?

Tint laws are regulations that govern the darkness of window tints for vehicles. The laws are different from state to state. However, they are designed to ensure that motorists have enough visibility and emergency personnel can be able to see through vehicles in the event of an accident.

In the United States, window tint laws are typically determined by the percentage of Visible Light Transmission (VLT). The VLT represents the percentage of sunlight flowing through the window film. A higher percentage of VLT indicates that more light passes through the film, whereas a lower percentage of VLT indicates that less light gets through.

Legally, the VLT percentage for tinting windows differs from state to state. In certain states, different VLT percentages apply to different kinds of windows. For instance, the percentage of VLT for the windshield might be different from the percentage of VLT for side windows.

Tint Laws

It is generally accepted that the legally-required VLT percentage for windshields can be 70% or greater. This means that the glass must permit 70% of visible light to go through. The legally required VLT percentage for side windows is usually lower and can range between 25% and 50%. This means that side windows need to let 25 to 50% of the visible light pass through.

There are a few exemptions from the law regarding window tints. Some states, for instance, permit medical exemptions. This means that those who suffer from certain medical conditions, like sensitivity to light, might be permitted to wear a dark tint than is typically permitted.

If you’re considering getting your car tinted, it is essential to research the window tint laws of your state before doing this. You can locate the window tint law for your state by going to the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website.

Here are some of the reasons why tint laws are important:

  • To ensure that drivers have adequate visibility.
  • To reduce glare.
  • To prevent accidents.
  • To keep out heat and UV rays.
  • To protect law enforcement officers and emergency personnel.

You could be penalised if you’re caught with an illegal tint to your window. Fines can differ based on the state in which you live. In some instances, you could also be required to remove your vehicle’s tint.

It is essential to know the window tint laws for your state so that you do not end up paying the penalty of a fine. If you’re unsure of the legal tint of darkness in your state, contact your local DMV office for more details.



General Guidelines For Window Tint Darkness in the US

Window tint laws differ between states within the United States. These are general guidelines regarding the darkness of window tints across the US:

  • Windshield: Tint is not permitted on the windshield lower than the AS-1 line, which is the sun shield of the manufacturer’s area. Certain states permit a non-reflective tint for the top five inches of the glass.
  • Front side windows: The legal tint of the darkness of front-facing windows can vary from 25% to 70%, based on the state.
  • Back side windows: The legal tint the back side windows have can vary from 25% to 100%, based on the state.
  • Rear window: The legal tint darkness for the rear windows is between 25% and 100%, based on the specific state.

Certain states also have limitations regarding the color of window tint. For instance, certain states do not permit reflective or mirrored tints.

It is crucial to verify the laws regarding window tints in your state before deciding to get your car tinted. You can locate the window tint laws in your state on the State’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website.

2023 Window Tint Laws by State

Window Tint Laws by StateBelow is a comprehensive description of the car window tint laws and legal tint percentages, state by state. This chart will help you identify what tint colour is right for you.

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Window Tint Laws FAQs

Is window tinting legal?

In most states, window tints are legal, so it is not tinted more than the permitted transparency of the visible light.

What is the darkest legal tint?

The darkest tint legal can differ by state. Each state has laws governing the darkest shade of tint permitted on side windows, rear windows, and the windshield.

How do I make my tint look darker?

The most effective way to create a tint that will appear darker is to get rid of the window tint that is currently in use and then replace it with the darker tint. You can apply tint over tint, but it is not advised and, in most cases, could void the warranty for the tint.


Is limo window tint illegal?

Limo tint typically refers to the tint of 5 that blocks all light. If limo tint is legal or illegal will depend on the windows you are applying it to and the state you reside in. Look at the chart above to determine the legality of dark tints for your particular state.

Is 30 percent tint dark?

30 percent is considered to be a moderate dark shade. The darkest shade typically offered is 5%, which blocks 95% of sunlight from passing through. 50% and over is considered to be clear. 30% falls in the middle, so it’s a middle-tone tint. It is one of the more sought-after shades for front windows.

How do cops know if your tint is too dark?

Law Enforcement uses tint meters, which measure the amount of light that passes via the glass. The amount of light is calculated as a %, known as VLT (visible light transmission).


The limitations for the volume of light transferred into a vehicle are specified and expressed in percent. These various percentages represent the amounts of light that must be passing across the window. A higher percentage indicates that it has a lighter tint. A lower percentage of tint means it is more dark. The legal percentage differs between states as well as for the various window types of vehicles.

Can You Get Pulled Over For Having Tinted Windows?

It can indeed happen. It’s all dependent on the state one is in and the laws that govern it. A lot of states have legalized a certain level of tinting. Tinting by the rules outlined in these statutes is permissible to ensure you don’t get arrested. In the event that tinting laws in force are not adhered to, then you could be subject to being stopped. In some states, using tint is completely prohibited. Any illegal tinting could attract the attention of the police. It is essential to know and comply with the laws in your state, as they can differ.


Window tints offer a variety of advantages; many states ban window tinting for security and safety reasons. The tinting reduces the light entering the vehicle and makes it difficult to see the road. One of the most significant disadvantages is low visibility for drivers when the tint is dark. A lack of vision can lead to more accidents that happen on the road. Another reason tinting is illegal is to protect the public in relation to officers and agencies of the federal government. Police and law enforcement officers cannot see inside your vehicle when the tint is too dark. A tint that is too dark can hinder investigations and be risky during traffic stops and other situations. Each state has its window tint laws, which define the amount of tint allowed on each of the windows of your car. State laws permit motorists to tint their windows to protect others around them.

In What State Is 5% Tint Legal?

5% VLT is legal for back-side passenger cars only in the following states. These states allow for any VLT %:

  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Iowa
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • North Dakota
  • New Jersey
  • Nevada
  • Ohio
  • Utah
  • Vermont


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